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Rule 7.1 .关于澳博app服务的通讯

 (a) A lawyer shall not make a false or misleading communication about the lawyer or the lawyer’s services. 如果一种信息是虚假的或具有误导性的:
      (1)包含对事实或法律的重大失实陈述, or omits a fact necessary to make the statement considered as a whole not materially misleading; or
      (2) Contains an assertion about the lawyer or the lawyer’s services that cannot be substantiated.
   (b)澳博app不得寻求亲自接触, 由未就雇佣澳博app征求澳博app意见的非澳博app人员雇佣(或雇佣合伙人或合伙人), if:
      (1) The solicitation involves use of a statement or claim that is false or misleading, 在(a)款的意义范围内;
      (2) The solicitation involves the use of coercion, duress or harassment; or
      (3)潜在客户明显处于身体或精神状态,不太可能行使合理的权利, 对选择澳博app的慎重判断.
     (1) Pay the reasonable costs of advertisements or communications permitted by this Rule;
     (2) Pay the usual and reasonable fees or dues charged by a legal service plan or a lawyer referral service;
     (4)根据本规则不禁止的协议,将客户介绍给另一名澳博app或非澳博app专业人员,该协议规定另一人将客户或客户介绍给澳博app, if:
          (B) The client is informed of the existence and nature of the agreement.
  (d)澳博app不得故意协助向他人提供法律服务或支付法律服务费用的组织,以促进利用澳博app的服务或澳博app的合伙人或同事的服务, 或与该澳博app或其澳博app事务所有关联的任何其他澳博app, 作为一名私人医生, 如果促销活动涉及使用胁迫, duress, compulsion, intimidation, threats, 或无理取闹或骚扰行为.
   (e)任何澳博app或代表澳博app行事的任何人不得为收取由客户支付或代表客户支付的费用或根据《澳博app下载网》为代理该人而招揽、邀请或寻求招揽任何人, D.C. Code Ann. §11-2601 (2001) et seq., in any present or future case in the District of Columbia Courthouse, 在北边的人行道上, south, 还有法院西侧, 或者在大楼东边50英尺内.
   (f)任何澳博app或代表澳博app向哥伦比亚特区监狱关押的任何人员征集、邀请或试图征集的人, 或任何哥伦比亚特区的少年拘留所,以代表该人或代表该人支付费用或根据刑事司法法案, D.C. Code Ann. §11-2601 (2001) et seq., in any then-pending criminal case in which that person is represented, 在接受被监禁者的任何费用或代表被监禁者收取任何费用之前,必须及时和充分地通知被监禁者当时的现任澳博app.


   [1] This rule governs all communications about a lawyer’s services, including advertising. It is especially important that statements about a lawyer or the lawyer’s services be accurate, since many members of the public lack detailed knowledge of legal matters. Certain advertisements such as those that describe the amount of a damage award, 澳博app取得有利判决的记录, 或者那些包含客户背书的, 除非具备适当资格, have a capacity to mislead by creating an unjustified expectation that similar results can be obtained for others. 将澳博app的服务与其他澳博app的服务进行比较的广告,其主张不能得到证实的,是虚假的或者具有误导性的.


   [2]协助市民取得法律服务, 应允许澳博app不仅通过声誉,而且通过有组织的广告宣传活动宣传他们的服务. 广告包括积极地寻找客户, 与澳博app不应该寻求客户的传统相反. However, the public’s need to know about legal services can be fulfilled in part through advertising. This need is particularly acute in the case of persons of limited means who have not made extensive use of legal services. The interest in expanding public information about legal services ought to prevail over considerations of tradition.
   [3] This rule permits public dissemination of information concerning a lawyer’s name or firm name, address, and telephone number; the kinds of services the lawyer will undertake; the basis on which the lawyer’s fees are determined, including prices for specific services and payment and credit arrangements; a lawyer’s foreign language ability; names of references and, with their consent, names of clients regularly represented; and other information that might invite the attention of those seeking legal assistance.
   [4] Questions of effectiveness and taste in advertising are matters of speculation and subjective judgment. 一些司法管辖区制定了规范澳博app广告类型和内容的规则,这些规则超出了禁止虚假或误导性陈述的范围. Such regulations create unneeded barriers to the flow of information about lawyers’ services to persons needing such services, and so this rule subjects advertising by lawyers only to the requirement that it not be false or misleading.
   [5]通过大众传媒或个人接触传播信息和招揽客户之间没有明显的区别. In-person solicitation (which would include telephone contact but not electronic mail) can, however, create problems because of the particular circumstances in which the solicitation takes place. This rule prohibits in-person solicitation in circumstances or through means that are not conducive to intelligent, rational decisions. 这种情况和手段可能是骚扰清晨或深夜打电话给潜在客户,要求法律工作, 或者在一天中的任何时间反复打电话, 以及在事故发生后不久或受害者仍处于医疗困境时,对事故受害者或受害者家属的招揽. A lawyer is no longer permitted to conduct in-person solicitation through the use of a paid intermediary, i.e., 既不是澳博app的合伙人(如规则1所定义)的人.0(i))或雇员(见规则5).3)谁为这些服务获得报酬. 这一禁令是规则7的一个变化.1(b), which had previously authorized payments to intermediaries for recommending a lawyer. Experience under the former provision showed it to be unnecessary and subject to abuse. See Rules 5.3, 8.4(a), and 8.4(c) regarding a lawyer’s responsibility for abusive or deceptive solicitation of a client by the lawyer’s employee.
  [6] Rule 7.1(c) does not address fee splitting between two or more firms representing the same client in the same project. Compare Rule 1.5(e). Lawyers must also be aware of their obligation to maintain their professional independence under Rule 5.4.  
  [7] A lawyer may agree to refer clients to another lawyer or a nonlawyer professional, in return for the undertaking of that person to refer clients or customers to the lawyer. 这种相互转介安排不得妨碍澳博app在转介或提供实质性法律服务方面的专业判断. See Rules 2.1 and 5.4(c). 规则1规定的除外.5(e), 接受澳博app或非澳博app专业人员推荐的澳博app不得仅为推荐支付金钱或提供任何物质价值, 但该澳博app同意将客户介绍给其他澳博app或非澳博app专业人员,不得违反本条第(c)款的规定, so long as the reciprocal referral agreement is not exclusive and the client is informed of the referral agreement. Conflicts of interest created by such arrangements are governed by Rule 1.7. 相互转介协议不应是无限期的,应定期审查,以确定它们是否符合本《澳博app》. 本规则不限制由多个实体组成的事务所内澳博app之间的转介或收入或净收入的划分.

   [8] A lawyer is allowed to pay for advertising or marketing permitted by this rule. Likewise, a lawyer may participate in lawyer referral programs and pay the usual fees charged by such programs.

Solicitations in the Vicinity of the District of Columbia Courthouse
   [9]第(e)段旨在禁止在哥伦比亚特区法院内及其周边地区对潜在客户进行不得体的招揽. 在(e)款中增加了“由客户或代表客户支付的费用或根据《澳博app下载网》支付的费用”的字样,因为它最初是由哥伦比亚特区上诉法院于1982年颁布的. The purpose of the addition is to permit solicitation in the District of Columbia Courthouse for the purposes of pro bono representation. 就本条而言, pro bono representation, 无论是由个人澳博app还是非营利组织, is representation undertaken primarily for purposes other than a fee. 这种代理包括为可能需要法律援助、可能缺乏获得其他援助来源所需的经济手段和经验的个人免费提供服务. Cases where fees are awarded under the Criminal Justice Act do not constitute pro bono 为本条目的而作的陈述. However, 根据《澳博app下载网》和《1976年民权澳博app费奖励法》,有可能裁决费用, as amended, 或其他法定澳博app费法规, 不妨碍代表构成吗 pro bono representation.

   [10] (f)款旨在解决被监禁人员在澳博app寻求收费代理时的脆弱性问题. It applies only to situations where the incarcerated person has not initiated contact with the lawyer. In such situations, 澳博app可以与被监禁者接触,但不得收取费用,除非及时通知该被监禁者的现任澳博app.
